Bạn đang xem: Take the surgeon general's 5‑for‑5 connection challenge
How your child plays, learns, speaks, acts, và moves offers important clues about your child’s development. Developmental milestones are things most children (75% or more) can bởi by a certain age.
Check the milestones your child has reached by 5 years by completing a checklist with CDC’s không tính tiền Milestone Trackermobile app, fori
Androiddevices, using the Digital Online Checklist, or by printing the checklist <1 MB, 2 Pages, Print Only>below.
“Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials are not a substitute for standardized, validated developmental screening tools.
What most children bởi by this age:
Social/Emotional Milestones
Language/Communication Milestones
Cognitive Milestones (learning, thinking, problem-solving)
Movement/Physical Development Milestones
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Other important things to tóm tắt with the doctor…
What are some things you & your baby do together?What are some things your baby likes to do?
Is there anything your baby does or does not vì chưng that concerns you?
Has your baby lost any skills he/she once had?
Does your baby have any special healthcare needs or was he/she born prematurely?
As your child’s first teacher, you can help his or her learning and brain development. Try these simple tips and activities in a safe way. Talk with your child’s doctor và teachers if you have questions or for more ideas on how lớn help your child’s development.
Your child might start to “talk back” in order khổng lồ feel independent and test what happens. Limit the attention you give to lớn the negative words. Find alternative activities for her to vì chưng that allow her to take the lead & be independent. Make a point of noticing good behavior. “You stayed calm when I told you it’s bedtime.”Ask your child what she is playing. Help her expand her answers by asking “Why?” and “How?” For example, say “That’s a nice bridge you’re building. Why did you put it there?”Play with toys that encourage your child lớn put things together, such as puzzles and building blocks.Use words lớn help your child begin to lớn understand time. For example, sing songs about the days of the week and let him know what day it is. Use words about time, such as today, tomorrow, và yesterday.Let your child do things for himself, even if he doesn’t vì it perfectly. For example, let him make his bed, button his shirt, or pour water into a cup. Celebrate when he does it & try not to “fix” anything you don’t have to.Talk about and label your child’s and your own feelings. Read books & talk about the feelings characters have and why they have them.Play rhyming games. For example, say “What rhymes with cat?”Teach your child khổng lồ follow rules in games. For example, play simple board games, thẻ games, or Simon Says.Create a spot in your trang chủ for your child lớn go lớn when he’s upset. Stay nearby so your child knows he is safe và can come lớn you for help calming as needed.Set limits for screen time (TV, tablets, phones, etc.) for your child, khổng lồ no more than 1 hour per day. Make amedia use plan for your family.Eat meals with your child & enjoy family time talking together. Give the same meal khổng lồ everyone. Avoid screen time (TV, tablets, phones, etc.) during mealtime. Let your child help prepare the healthy foods và enjoy them together.Encourage your child to lớn “read” by looking at the pictures và telling the story.Play games that help with memory và attention. For example, play card games, Tic Tac Toe, I Spy, or Hot & Cold.Let your child play with other children, such as at a park or library. Ask about local play groups and pre-school programs. Playing with others helps your child learn the value of sharing and friendship.Teach your children about safe touch, such as hugging when both people want to & touches that help keep children healthy (touches from doctors or parents). Unsafe touches are touches that might make a child feel hurt, uncomfortable, scared, or confused. Teach your children that they are in charge of who touches them. Help them practice saying ‘no’ to unwanted or unsafe touch and let them know there are adults they can turn to lớn for help.Teach your child to lớn look for “helpers” if she is lost or needs help, such as parents with children, a store clerk with a badge, or a police officer. Teach your child her name and your name (first and last names).Encourage your child to pretend play. Help your child find items she can use lớn play dress up, school, or house.Keep a box of crayons, paper, paint, child scissors, and glue for creative play. Encourage your child to lớn draw và make art projects with different supplies.Take your child khổng lồ the playground. Teach her how to lớn pump her legs back & forth on a swing & help her play on the monkey bars.Create a calm, quiet bedtime routine. Avoid any screen time (TV, tablets, phones, etc.) for 1 lớn 2 hours before bed & don’t put any screens in your child’s bedroom. Children this age need 10 khổng lồ 13 hours of sleep a day (including naps). Consistent sleep times make it easier!Read to lớn your child. Ask questions, such as “What is happening in the picture?” & “What vày you think will happen next?”Explore things your child likes. For example, if he loves animals, get some library books about animals, look for birds and squirrels in a park, or visit a zoo to learn about animals.Try to make time for active play each day. Your child will have more fun if she can choose the activity. For example, give her choices, such as playing music và dancing together, playing outside, or taking a walk together.Your child might start to lớn talk back or use profanity (swear words) as a way lớn feel independent. Bởi vì not give a lot of attention khổng lồ this talk, other than a brief time out. Instead, praise your child when he asks for things nicely and calmly takes “no” for an answer.Help your child be ready for new places and meeting new people. For example, you can read stories or role play (pretend play) to lớn help her get ready for Kindergarten.
Special acknowledgments lớn the subject matter experts và others who contributed to the đánh giá of data & selection of developmental milestones, especially Paul H. Lipkin, MD, Michelle M. Macias, MD, Julie F. Pajek, Ph
D, Judith S. Shaw, Ed
D, MPH, RN, Karnesha Slaughter, MPH, Jane K. Squires,Ph
D, Toni M. Whitaker, MD, Lisa D. Wiggins, Ph
D, & Jennifer M. Zubler, MD.
Sincere gratitude lớn Natalia Benza, MD & José O. Rodríguez, MD, MBA for their thoughtful review of the Spanish-language translation of these milestones.
Source: National Center on Birth Defects & Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control và Prevention
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The U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy is challenging YOU to take the “5-for-5 Connection Challenge” as a way to lớn build and strengthen your own relationships and inspire others lớn incorporate connection in their daily lives!
5 Actions for 5 Days
Step 1: Commit to lớn connect
Pick 5 actions & 5 days in a row to lớn connect with people in your life.
Step 2: Connect each day for 5 days
Each day, take 1 simple action of your choice lớn express gratitude, offer support, or ask for help. For more ideas, see the thẻ deck below.
View Made to lớn Connect card Deck
Download Connection Challenge Toolkit
Download Connection Postcard
Inspire More Connection
Step 3: Reflect & share. Xem thêm: Phụ kiện máy hút sữa medela pump, phụ kiện máy hút sữa pump (kèm bình in màu)
Take a moment. How did connecting make you feel?
Let your loved ones know about your experience and invite them khổng lồ join in! Use #Made
Connect on social truyền thông media and tóm tắt this link.
We"re eager lớn hear your stories, too. E-mail us at Made
thanglongford.com so we can learn & share your stories to lớn inspire more connection.
5-for-5 Connection Stories
There are many ways lớn connect. Here are some ways 5-for-5 Challenge participants are choosing khổng lồ connect with themselves & others, using actions from the Made to Connect card Deck.
“The cool thing was that our relationship was suddenly more meaningful. I felt lượt thích we had moved beyond just being ‘school friends’.” Tariq W. From Plano, TXShare quote lớn X
“Usually at the store I try not khổng lồ have too much contact. I get in và out. This challenged me khổng lồ be more outgoing. It helped me get out of my shell.” Anna C. From Winder, GAShare quote lớn X
“I thought about how I would view myself if I was my own friend, và the things I would like about me... When I finished it, I felt a lot better.” Raine L. From Zimmerman, MNShare quote khổng lồ X
The Surgeon General’s 5-for-5 Connection Challenge builds on the Surgeon General’s Advisory on Our Epidemic of Loneliness & Isolation và the success of his recent “We Are Made khổng lồ Connect” Tour.
“We Are Made khổng lồ Connect” Tour
Recognizing the significant challenges that loneliness, social isolation, & mental health pose khổng lồ college-aged Americans, the Surgeon General recently visited university campuses to lớn talk about the importance of social connection & youth mental health.
Barclay"s Center - Social Justice Fund
November 27
A.S.K. – Acknowledge, Support, Keep-in cảm biến is a new framework for emotional support from MTV & Active Minds that will help you learn what you need to know to tư vấn your friends, family, colleagues, and anybody in your life when they need you.
Events in collaboration with Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s College Connection Tour will feature a DIY bracelet-making station, giveaways, & a photo op with the A.S.K. Art installation. Stop by on your way khổng lồ class or plan a time to come with a friend. Because the best way khổng lồ help is khổng lồ A.S.K. Www.asktohelp.com
Thank you lớn the following organizations & schools for taking on the 5-for-5 Connection Challenge. We are grateful for your commitment lớn strengthening relationships & building strong communities across the country.
Act khổng lồ Change | Musi Cares | University of Alabama at Birmingham |
American Pharmacists Association | NAMI | University of Southern California |
Arizona State University | National PTA | University of Washington |
Coalition to over Social Isolation & Loneliness | NCAA | The Asian American Foundation |
Foundation for Social Connection | NASA | The Un Lonely Project |
Hampton University | NIOSH | USPHS |
Lemons by Tay | North Central College | Your Mom Cares |
MENTOR | Only 7 Seconds | YMCA |
MTV | Sloane Stephens Foundation | YWCA |
Why Does Social Connection Matter?
Social connection is as essential khổng lồ our long-term survival as food & water. But today, our epidemic of loneliness is more widespread than other major health issues in the U.S. Social connection is a powerful way to improve our physical and mental health.
What Can I vày Next?
Additional Resources
Lifeline Resources
If you are experiencing an emergency, get immediate tư vấn (available 24/7):
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (Call 988)
The Trevor Project (Call at 1-866-488-7386)
The National Sexual Assault Telephone điện thoại tư vấn (RAINN – gọi at 1-800-656-4673)
Social Wellness Toolkit
The NIH (National Institutes of Health) provides 6 strategies for improving your social health. These strategies include related articles & recommended actions.
Social Connectedness
CDC (Centers For Disease Control) provides social connectedness resources to help people foster relationships that give them a sense of belonging, support, & care.
How Right Now: Resources for People Experiencing Loneliness
CDC’s (Centers For Disease Control) “How Right Now” platform provides a directory of resources for people experiencing loneliness.
Connect2Tools to Overcome Social Isolation
The AARP Foundation’s Connect2Affect platform provides a network of resources that meets the needs of anyone who is isolated or lonely and helps build the social connections older adults need to thrive.